Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11 – 1 Samuel 13-14

Below are my thoughts from the daily Bible reading of the West Side Church of Christ. Today’s reading comes from 1 Samuel 13-14. Before reading I invite you to pray and asked God to speak to you as you read his word.

Photo Credit: Taken From "The Creative Penn
It is amazing to see what one motivated person could do. Jonathan had a daring plan and he carried it out. His simple action of climbing the cliff and taking the attack to the Philistines helped turned the battle to the Israelites advantage. And to think they only had two swords in the entire army … Saul’s and Jonathan’s. It’s cool to see what God will do when one person is willing to step up and take action.

How can that same sort of scenario play out in your life, community, and church? Just think if you were the one in your neighborhood who started to share your faith and reach your neighbors for Jesus. The entire neighborhood could change. Tired of the fighting that constantly goes on in your family? What if you stepped up and made a positive change in their lives, showing love, grace, and kindness … what kind of change could you make? What about in your church? Something not getting done or is something not taking place? What if you stepped up to fill in that gap? Just imagine what more could be accomplished for the kingdom because you stepped up to fill that gap.

One person is often all it takes. One man, Martin Luther King Jr., had a dream and that dream brought the beginning of true civil rights change. One man, Harriet Beecher Stowe, wrote a book that helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War thus bringing an end to slavery. One woman, Clara Barton, laid the ground work for the American Red cross, and now thousands of people are annually helped in their hours of needs. One Man, Jesus Christ, died on a tree, resurrected from the grave, and now provides salvation to all mankind from their sins. What can you one woman or man do?

At West Side we are beginning a new prayer partner campaign. We are asking people to join with us in praying daily for West Side. If you would like to join us please click here and subscribe to receive daily emails containing a short prayer request for West Side. We appreciate your partnership.

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