Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15 - Jeremiah 30-31

Below are my thoughts from the daily Bible reading of the West Side Church of Christ. Today’s reading comes from Jeremiah 30-31. Before reading I invite you to pray and asked God to speak to you as you read his word. Also above in the tabs is a link to the Bible reading plan. 
Photo Credit: Microsoft Clip Art

In our chronological study of the Bible we are just now experiencing the crushing blow Babylon is bringing against Jerusalem. Throughout God has told Judah through prophets that His judgment would be harsh and some would be taken away from the homeland. This promise is exactly what we experienced two days ago. We also learned yesterday that God was going to yoke up with us in a partnership and what a blessing that is. Today God gives us hope again, and this hope is comforting.
In Jeremiah 31:10-11 God says this … “Listen to this message from the LORD, you nations of the world; proclaim it in distant coastlands: the LORD, who scattered his people, will gather them and watch over them as a shepherd does his flock. For the LORD has redeemed Israel from those too strong for them.” (NLT) Now this is talking about God’s care for Israel. But remember, as a Christian you have been redeemed by God. Your sins have been paid for. Christ has become your ransom. He now stands before God as our mediator. And as Israel was redeemed and protected as a shepherd protects his flock, we the redeemed can find comfort in our great shepherd.  

We have talked about love and grace a lot. I do that because I think grace is something hard for us to grasp. We struggle to forget where others have wronged us, even if we have forgiven them. God forgets our transgression because of Christ. We struggle to understand how God could forgive us because we know all the wrongs we have committed. Grace is hard to fathom. While we might understand it on a cognitive level, we struggle to get it on a heart level. Because grace is so powerful and freeing, we will continue to explore it as the chance presents itself. 

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